The "Dress" is a classic Pulsar LED that can without any doubt be considered as a "P4". It's pretty small in size and not that cool as the other space-design models thus not so popular among collectors. It was released in the beginning of 1975 and fitted with a 104 module with exactly the same electronics as the P4 series launched six months later. The only difference is the size of the plastic carrier and lack of the flick-wrist switch as shown below compared next to a P4 module (402). Exactly the same module with slightly smaller display (103 - comparison below) was used in ladies models released the same year as the first ladies LED watches ever. PS. The Dress with exposed magnetic buttons is sometimes mistaken with a later and rarer Touch Command Dress from 1977.



It is quite common to find a Dress with a cheaper ladies module so the only reference for differentiating them will be the size of the digits visible through the red mineral crystal. All P4 modules were made by Sanyo in Japan and the same technology was applied to "inhouse" Sanyo modules fitted to private label watches of which the most obtainable are Sears magnet-set LEDs. The only difference are the Sanyo displays which have digits at a slight angle compared to straight digits in Pulsar P4's. A limited edition Dress with green LEDs can also be found nicknamed the "Greenie" which has bright green digits and a green mineral crystal. These were much more expensive to produce and due to the low quantities made they reach top dollar up to 1500$ for MIB (mint in box).



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Keywords: pulsar led, pulsar dress, time computer

Market value: 50-350$ (condition, box)

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