The Metal Dork is a bulky piece of talking metal by Nixon USA a design company very successful in the skater community with a motto "We make the little shit a bit better!" :) Being a talking watch the Dork tells you the time in a mens and ladies voices with a few surprises by Tony Hawk, Saxon Boucher and others. James Brown wakes you every morning with his "Get Up!". The design and the speaker feature got me intrigued a while back but the price limited the desire so it had to wait a few years. Once I spotted a piece in decent condition I grabbed it to check the insides. The Dork is not great quality being only a short fashion-statement worn for a year or two. It is advertized as Metal sadly it has a brass chrome-plated case with steel back. The sharp edges don't last long when worn daily so I'm happy that I didn't buy it new for 250$.



The Dork has a red display but it is not a LED watch but LCD...still I decided to put it into this gallery where it fits best. The module is Chinese and quite simple mounted in a large black plastic carrier. The front side reveals a large speaker, yellow rubber command button (graphite inside) and a negative LCD display with red reflecting mirror that gives that LED appearance. It does not have a backlight so you need to push the button quite often what eats the battery in about 3 months with a CR2025 battery or 8 months with a CR2032. I can imagine that many of these Dorks ended up in the bottom drawer after a second battery swap. A user on the DWF forum pointed out that the "problem is the poor efficiency of its voltage converter (5V step-up). Replacing it with a MAX1724 doubles battery life". Operating manual is here.


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Keywords: nixon dork, talking wristwatch

Market value: 50-250$ (condition, box)

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